
Reformation World – Coute Que Coute (Whatever the Cost)

Resistance to Tyranny is obedience to God!

‘I believe that in the End, Truth will Conquer.’ – John Wycliffe (Morning Star of the Reformation)

‘The Bible is for the Government of the People, by the People and for the People.’ – John Wycliffe

Respect for Truth and the right of the public to information are fundamental principals of journalism.

‘Any rational debate requires the honest presentation of both sides. But there exists a powerful, self-styled ‘intellectual elite’ which would deny us the right to consider all the evidence. They would have a debate wherein only one side was heard, while the other side was either ignored or grossly misrepresented.’ Prof John Sanford PhD Cornell University (inventor of the ‘gene gun’).

‘Do not be influenced by the importance of the writer, and whether his learning be great or small, but let the love of truth draw you to read. Do not inquire, Who said this?’ but pay attention to what is said!’ Thomas Kempis (15th century).

‘In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.’ George Orwell.

Argumentum ad Hominem’ – attacking the character of an individual who is making a statement, instead of trying to disprove the truth of the statement or argument.

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